Rotes Kupferoxid – Beobachtungen zur Synthese

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 115, 2021, P. 36-55 | DOI: 10.18756/edn.115.36


The development of a chemical synthesis is a complex process. Regarding some basic chemical data of substances and reactions, in addition with physiological and therapeutical aspects, the efforts to develop a preparation of red copper oxide in pharma- ceutical quality were observed. In the course of developing the synthesis the correspondances of the pairs theory and practice, substance and synthesis, perception and experience, taking place/ acting and being effective, creation and effectiveness became more and more important. The development of the synthesis can be described as growth movements analogous to the way plants grow. It is put up for discussion, if etherical forces, which are effective with and through humans, can be underlayed to the flow of development. The experience which forms itself in practice is seen in connection with skill/ability resp. potential – concepts which can also be applied to substances and the living nature.

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